Saturday, June 23, 2012

Heathy Living

Hey guys! So I may be doing more posts titled Healthy Living which is just where I talk about healthy living!:) Usually to start my day I do about a half mile/mile run/jog pushing my sister in a stroller (which will get a sweat going:) Usually I do this at about 7 or 8 AM. When I finish that I eat a semi-healthy breakfast with fruit and an egg or cereal. At 9 I have sport practice that takes about an hour. Then I come home and take a shower, I feel very clean and refreshed at this point. Then I go on with my day trying as much as possible to stay away from starch/carbs... chips, pretzels,etc. and snack on fruits or vegetables. It is very important that you don't go on a complete "diet" but just feeding your body healthy and natural foods! You WILL get cravings, it is also very important that you give yourself those "splurges" sometimes but of coarse not everyday. I hope this helped and I hope you try doing this!!!! Look out for more Healthy Living Posts!!!

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