Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back 2 Skool: School Supplies Shopping

 So my favorite part about back to school is the school supplies shopping part but it can be very confusion with all the different stores and many different options. Here are some tips to make this part well...less confusing:) Buy stuff you need and not stuff you may want but will not use. this will help you save money and help your backpack or purse less crowded with thngs that you wont use. Make lists. One that is for your school supplies and another for things you may need like hair tyes, deodorant, socks,etc. Just follow these lists and don't buy anything else. Also buy school supplies you like and not something you think other people will like. be yourself. Usually the cutesy stuff isn't made as well as the regular supplies. The glitter notebook might be really cute but the pink notebook might not fall apart. I usually go for the non-cutesy stuff for this reason and usually they are less expensive!:) There are tons of stores to choose from but I usually look online for really good prices then go to Walmart which is a grocery store because they have the price match guarantee which means they will match any lower price you found somewhere else. Then anything I don't get there I will get at target which is a store that sells practically everything food, clothes, makeup, office supply, toys.... But i would go to the nearest grocery store or office supplies stores if i didn't have these options. I hope this helped!!!!

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